Wear your Trigger Pressers Union "Bonafide" Morale Patch and display your "Bonafication".
This is a restricted item. You must have successfully completed a class or private training with Klint Macro in order to be eligible to purchase this patch. $8.00 Patch is 2.5" x 2.5", PVC and backed with hook side velcro. Price includes USPS First class shipping to all 50 United States. |
The "Handy Dandy" Trigger Presssers Union SIRT Placemat
This tool will help with loss mitigation during your simulated training course. Simply print a master copy, and photo copy the place mat so that it is black and white. When you see red on the bench then you know your SIRT Pistol is benched, if you see black and white, then you know it is not. This is an easy way to keep track of multiple SIRT Pistols on a virtual firing line. |
SIRT Training Pistol
SIRT Pro and Performer Training PistolsSafe, effective, and innovative, the Shot Indicating Resetting Trigger (SIRT) Training Pistol was developed by shooters for shooters, to complement, not replace, live fire training. The SIRT Training Pistol brings together a host of patent pending technologies critical to improving shooting accuracy while addressing issues of cost and liability.