Klint Macro is a professional trainer, instructor, coach, author, pro-Liberty activist, founder of the Trigger Pressers Union, and most importantly, his family’s first responder. Klint instructs fellow law-abiding citizens, offering defensive, safety, and marksmanship curricula.
Klint trains and instructs 100’s of students and instructor candidates across the country each year, offering a variety of courses from multiple National Training Organizations. These include I.C.E. Training, USCCA, NRA, UTM, NMLRA, CMP, Sabre, ASP, TASER, and Project Appleseed.
Klint is a Training Counselor for the USCCA’s CCHDF (Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals), DSF (Defensive Shooting Fundamentals) and AR-15 Fundamentals Programs.
Klint is a contributor to Personal Defense Network a PDN Training Tour Instructor and an I.C.E. Training I.D.S. (Intuitive Defensive Shooting) Certified Instructor and Defensive Firearms Coach.
Klint is an NRA Training Counselor* who was part of the team that helped to revamp the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Program in 2017 and he delivered the key note address at the NRA Trainer Update in Atlanta, GA that year.
Klint has developed and produced content for NRA, USCCA, PDN, NMLRA, GOA, FOAC, Next Level Training, and for his company, The Trigger Pressers Union.
Klint is also the Co-Founder and Administrator of National Train A Teacher Day, President of the Allegheny County Sportsmen’s League, Vice President of Firearms Owners Against Crime Institute of Legal, Legislative, and Educational Action, member of the International Association of Law Enforcement Instructors, Co-Host of "Meet The Pressers”, and the voice of the L.A.S.R. software.
*NRA Certifications: Pistol (Basic and Advanced), CCW, Rifle, Shotgun, Personal Protection Inside The Home, Personal Protection Outside The Home, Home Firearms Safety, Refuse To Be A Victim, Range Safety Officer, Chief Range Safety Officer, Metallic Cartridge Reloading, Shotgun Shell Reloading, Certified Muzzleloader, Practical Pistol Coach Development Staff
Life Member of Firearms Owners Against Crime-Institute for Legal, Legislative, and Educational Action (FOAC-ILLEA)
Benefactor Life Member of the National Rifle Association
Life Member of Gun Owners of America
Annual Member:
United States Concealed Carry Association,
National Muzzleloading Rifle Association,
National Shooting Sports Foundation,
International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors,
Unified Sportsmen of Pennsylvania,
Logan's Ferry Sportsmen's Club,
Tarentum District Sportsmen's Club,
Pitcairn-Monroeville Sportsmen's Club,
Sinnamahoning Sportsmen's Association,
F. & A. M. Driftwood Lodge #532,
F. & A. M. Plum Creek-Monroeville #799,
P.H.P. Gateway Chapter #285,
Mt. Moriah Council #2,
Duquesne Commandery #72.
Klint trains and instructs 100’s of students and instructor candidates across the country each year, offering a variety of courses from multiple National Training Organizations. These include I.C.E. Training, USCCA, NRA, UTM, NMLRA, CMP, Sabre, ASP, TASER, and Project Appleseed.
Klint is a Training Counselor for the USCCA’s CCHDF (Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals), DSF (Defensive Shooting Fundamentals) and AR-15 Fundamentals Programs.
Klint is a contributor to Personal Defense Network a PDN Training Tour Instructor and an I.C.E. Training I.D.S. (Intuitive Defensive Shooting) Certified Instructor and Defensive Firearms Coach.
Klint is an NRA Training Counselor* who was part of the team that helped to revamp the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Program in 2017 and he delivered the key note address at the NRA Trainer Update in Atlanta, GA that year.
Klint has developed and produced content for NRA, USCCA, PDN, NMLRA, GOA, FOAC, Next Level Training, and for his company, The Trigger Pressers Union.
Klint is also the Co-Founder and Administrator of National Train A Teacher Day, President of the Allegheny County Sportsmen’s League, Vice President of Firearms Owners Against Crime Institute of Legal, Legislative, and Educational Action, member of the International Association of Law Enforcement Instructors, Co-Host of "Meet The Pressers”, and the voice of the L.A.S.R. software.
*NRA Certifications: Pistol (Basic and Advanced), CCW, Rifle, Shotgun, Personal Protection Inside The Home, Personal Protection Outside The Home, Home Firearms Safety, Refuse To Be A Victim, Range Safety Officer, Chief Range Safety Officer, Metallic Cartridge Reloading, Shotgun Shell Reloading, Certified Muzzleloader, Practical Pistol Coach Development Staff
Life Member of Firearms Owners Against Crime-Institute for Legal, Legislative, and Educational Action (FOAC-ILLEA)
Benefactor Life Member of the National Rifle Association
Life Member of Gun Owners of America
Annual Member:
United States Concealed Carry Association,
National Muzzleloading Rifle Association,
National Shooting Sports Foundation,
International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors,
Unified Sportsmen of Pennsylvania,
Logan's Ferry Sportsmen's Club,
Tarentum District Sportsmen's Club,
Pitcairn-Monroeville Sportsmen's Club,
Sinnamahoning Sportsmen's Association,
F. & A. M. Driftwood Lodge #532,
F. & A. M. Plum Creek-Monroeville #799,
P.H.P. Gateway Chapter #285,
Mt. Moriah Council #2,
Duquesne Commandery #72.
USCCA CCHDF Training Counselor / DSF Training Counselor / AR-15 Fundamentals Training Counselor / Non Lethal Program Training Counselor # 311749
NRA Training Counselor # 140521194
NMLRA Master Trainer # 145420
CMP # 148730
Sabre Personal Safety Academy Master Instructor
ASP Be Your Own Defender Trainer #DT-153
TASER Master Instructor #1377
Range Master Certified Instructor
NRA Training Counselor # 140521194
NMLRA Master Trainer # 145420
CMP # 148730
Sabre Personal Safety Academy Master Instructor
ASP Be Your Own Defender Trainer #DT-153
TASER Master Instructor #1377
Range Master Certified Instructor
STephen laspina

Stephen LaSpina is a native and lifelong resident of northeastern Pennsylvania. He is a nationally certified firearms instructor with both the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA). Stephen’s passion is preparing and equipping people from all walks of life to be better prepared to defend themselves in a violent encounter.
Stephen is a formerly certified GLOCK Armorer and an annual competitor in Glock Sport Shooting Foundation (GSSF) matches. He took home first place in the Civilian Division at the 2019 Topton, PA match, and he also won a placement award in the Subcompact Division of the same match.
Stephen has received formal instruction with notable trainers such as Rob Pincus, Dave Spaulding, Klint Macro, John Correia, and John Lovell.
Stephen strives to be informed and involved in politics at the local, state, and national level, as politicians wield substantial influence over laws relating to firearms and self-defense. He is an active participant in Second Amendment rallies and is known to visit state legislature offices to discuss pending 2A legislation. He also sits on the board of Directors for Firearms Owners Against Crime Institute and is the FOAC Eastern Pennsylvania Director, and a prominent Pennsylvania Second Amendment advocacy group.
Stephen is a formerly certified GLOCK Armorer and an annual competitor in Glock Sport Shooting Foundation (GSSF) matches. He took home first place in the Civilian Division at the 2019 Topton, PA match, and he also won a placement award in the Subcompact Division of the same match.
Stephen has received formal instruction with notable trainers such as Rob Pincus, Dave Spaulding, Klint Macro, John Correia, and John Lovell.
Stephen strives to be informed and involved in politics at the local, state, and national level, as politicians wield substantial influence over laws relating to firearms and self-defense. He is an active participant in Second Amendment rallies and is known to visit state legislature offices to discuss pending 2A legislation. He also sits on the board of Directors for Firearms Owners Against Crime Institute and is the FOAC Eastern Pennsylvania Director, and a prominent Pennsylvania Second Amendment advocacy group.